The spring force is an example of a variable force which is conservative. Fig. one shows a block attached to a spring and resting on a smooth horizontal surface. The other end of the spring is attached to a rigid wall. The spring is light and may be treated as mass less. In an ideal spring, the spring force Fs is proportional to x where x is the displacement of the block from the equilibrium position. The displacement could be either positive [Fig. 1(b)] or negative [Fig. 1(c)]. This force law for the spring is called Hooke’s law and is mathematically stated as
Fs = − kx The constant k is called the spring constant. Its unit is N m-1. The spring is said to be stiff if k is large and soft if k is small.

Suppose that we pull the block outwards as in Fig. 1(b). If the extension is xm, the work done by the spring force is

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