A particle executing simple harmonic motion has kinetic and potential energies, both varying between the limits, zero and maximum. Here we will use the equations of a particle's displacement and velocity in SHM.
The velocity of a particle executing SHM, is a periodic function of time. It is zero at the extreme positions of displacement. Therefore, the kinetic energy (K) of such a particle, which is defined as

The spring force F = –kx is a conservative force, with associated potential energy U = 1/2 K x^2.
Hence the potential energy of a particle executing simple harmonic motion is,

Total Energy
The total mechanical energy of a harmonic oscillator is thus independent of time as expected for motion under any conservative force. The time and displacement dependence of the potential and kinetic energies of a linear simple harmonic oscillator are shown in figure.

In between these extreme positions, the potential energy increases at the expense of kinetic energy. The former stores its potential energy and the latter stores its kinetic energy.

Time Period of Simple pendulum
What is periodic and Oscillatory Motion is ?
Displacement in Oscillatory motion
Simple Harmonic Motion
Velocity and acceleration of SHM
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